It’s been a while, but I wanted to spotlight a creator that’s been around creating for about the past three years, Lemurian_Setter.
Lemurian has is another forever DM. He’s been DM’ing for tabletop roleplaying games and rarely had the chance to be a player. Rarely getting to play DnD and instead he started with more obscure systems like MERP, Mutant Chronicles and Pathfinder (though not as obscure anymore). His first venture into DM’ing was Hero Quest (leaving out comment how I backed the kickstarter of the Hero Quest redo). He loves running related storylines across different groups, but lately doesn’t have any time to run real games anymore. So building in TaleSpire has been a real treat; He might not get to see the game where the maps are used, but just knowing they could pop up in a campaign is enough for him.
You can catch his streams on Twitch and YouTube
He also loves creating environments for virtual reality in Horizon Worlds and you can see both in his channels. He’s also got a few videos on building through “carving” and a modular tutorial. Check them out at and . And lets not talk about the board below and the year it took to build.
If you love what he does, or use it, he’d love it if you’d tag his maps in your streams or videos. He loves seeing how they come out and are used, and it’s just a way to let him know how much we appreciate the time and work he puts in. Great job Lemurian!
Featured Lemurian Slabs & Boards