September Creator of the Month – Gogots

We’ve made it to September and we’re excited to announce our fifth creator of the month. Gogots is a new creator who was chomping at the bit during Beta and jumped on TaleSpire as soon as Early Access went live. He’s come out of the gate guns blazing and has an impressive array of slabs and boards already with 48 slabs and boards and many of them put into some great collections of modular pieces.

Gogots has been creating maps for role playing games for a long time. First of course in 2d, but now with TaleSpire he’s moved on to 3d and we’re glad to have him. He loves being able to share what he creates as it’s something he’s always done and TaleSpire lets him continue this tradition.

As another french speaker, like our previous Creator of the Month Istallri, he also makes tutorial videos in french you can see at .

As mentioned he’s created a lot of modular slabs such as the set at and we’re excited to see more to come. He also creates many complex slabs for his games that you can see some featured below or check out his profile for more.

As always we’ll be sending him a Tales Tavern mug and T-Shirt in appreciation for all his hard work. Great job again and congratulations Gogots!

Featured Gogots Slabs & Boards

by gogots
538 Assets18w x 18.25d x 21h
by gogots
1047 Assets34.25w x 34d x 9.75h
by gogots
808 Assets17.75w x 17.5d x 28.75h
by gogots
3181 Assets41w x 40.25d x 14.5h