The Web of All Torment: Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror!
Author: PseudoWyvern
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Genre: Fantasy
Created On: October 3rd, 2023
Last Updated: October 9th, 2023
Terrain: Dungeon
Creative Commons Lic. Attribution-ShareAlike

CONTENT WARNING: Mutilation, Spiders, Snakes, Blood, Gore, Cannibalism, Hanging, Torture, Gaslighting, Body Horror.

Now updated with the new Splatters and Corpse assets!!!

“All of your party gave up the adventuring life long ago – the best decision you ever made! You were on a quest for something or other – it’s hard to remember back that far, you aren’t even sure how long ago – when you came across this cute little town in the middle of nowhere.

The town only had one inn – the Kozy Kobweb. Luckily, they had vacancies, so you were able to secure rooms for the night. You had one of the best meals of your life, a fantastic time chatting with the locals and joining in their sing-alongs. You slept amazingly well, and woke up refreshed and happy. Over breakfast – another amazing meal – you spoke with the owner, Ms. Alice, about how happy you were there and how sad you were that you had to leave and make your way along your journey.

Ms. Alice said that there was no reason you had to rush off. Indeed, she just had several members of her staff retire. She offered you jobs on the spot and you instantly accepted. Now you spend your days working and socializing with your friends. You still have plenty of time to relax. All of your old weapons and equipment are packed away in the cellar – who needs them? Rather than the constant travel and danger of your old life, you have endless peaceful days, one fading into the next.”


Buy the DCC Web of All Torment Module Here
PDF Only

Get Malice’s Miniature Here

This build was such a fun one, I’m so happy to get this DCC Adventure out in time for Halloween I really hope some of you run this!
use this map with The Kozy Kobweb for the full experience, or use this alone and delete the minis for a creepy inn with secrets below!
This adventure can also easily be adapted for 5th edition, Mork Borg or any other fantasy setting!

This board comes with:  Hide Volumes, Miniatures with correct names, health, and many have multiple morphs, atmosphere blocks, and multiple random encounter pallets.

EDIT: Added an atmosphere block in anticipation of the battle with the Regulars and Malice

Sample Collections/Campaigns that include this slab

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