Mountain Cave
A cave encounter in the side of a mountain. I made it with the intention of it being filled with goblins. There are a few blocked off rooms on the sides that are meant to be hidden with the hide volumes until the players find them. The cave looks pretty good with a dark atmosphere.
A really excellent outdoor scene that really sells cave, with an interior that is surprisingly versatile and creative. The final room has a ladder in it that implies you could add another cave complex. Neat!
Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you like it!
Really good! I’m making a rocky board, and this slab fits perfectly !
Hey, just wanted to let you know i used this map in a campaign, didn’t realize one of my players was streaming it so i couldn’t give credit, next time i stream i will have a disclaimer that we used it. with a link to the stream as well
Sorry again 🙁
Nice one! I’m mashing this together along with “Forest Gully – Encounter Map” by Baldrax to make a very large encounter board, with an added small cave and a room above the ladder area.