El-Kharga Mountains

Status: Work in progress
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Created On: January 29th, 2022
Last Updated: January 29th, 2022
Terrain: Cliffs
Type: Area

El-Kharga Mountains are a land of mystery, said to be the first cradle of life where all mortals came forth from. An endless labyrinth of canyons and caves, El-Kharga mountains mostly remains untouched and unexplored as many who venture there, never return. It is said the Pharaoh sets his eyes on these mountains as a strategic foothold against the forces of Setesh, sending many mercenaries and adventurers to their deaths in his demand for expansion. These ancient lands hide many secrets and possibly fortune for those who have the bravery and strength to endure them.

On this map you will find:

The Abandoned Village of Psamektia, once home to the ancient Setenite people before they founded the city of Setennu. Said to have been cursed by the snake goddess Weret-Hakau.

The Giant Cave Worms Labyrinth, a series of winding rocks that the giant cave worm uses to its advantage, grabbing one victim at a time and retreating to hide while it digests its meal, regurgitating nothing but bones and equipment.

The Abandoned One, an old hermit who claims to be the last survivor and cursed of Psamektia.

The village of Weret-ka-mun, home to the Weret-ka-mun snake people, an ancient Yuanti race created by the goddess Weret-Hakau to act out her will.

Te’phen nest, nesting grounds of the Te’phen scorpion, created by the goddess Serket in her image.

Harpies nest, nesting grounds for the mountain harpies, up in the peaks where they can charm would-be attackers into falling off to their deaths.

Portal chamber of creation, could this be where all life came from? where the first god Atum came into existence?

Other stuff for you to explore and find!

(The minis will be weird for you, I use the custom minis plugin and use lots of egyptian flavored free assets I converted to work in TaleSpire. There will be a post of all the free stuff I am allowed to share on my patreon for free, so stay tuned to that~ :3 I just have to sort out the hero forge first, as it is against the terms of sale to redistribute their minis, boooo)

p.p.s. I am also still in the process of “prettying” it up, some areas may look a little unfinished, I’m gettin to it! promise! There will also be a expansion to the map added soon to the west adding in the death worm caves.


Come check out my campaign info at: https://discord.gg/KGKsE3RAD7
Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/katdnd


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