Quick One Off Session (Good for new DM’s) [Includes Tavern + Dungeon Boards]
This is a quick campaign that is good for people looking to be a DM for their first time or just some friends looking for a quick Dnd game.
Credits goes to the two authors for both the maps I just did some sprucing up to the dungeon and put everything together. Both boards have GM blocks for atmosphere and music. I also wrote a quick script which will be a pdf below.
Within the PDF at the bottom I listed the few monster stat blocks I used as this was geared towards level one Players though sometimes the monsters were a little too powerful so I took away some of their abilities. Also these monster stat blocks were found on dndbeyond’s homebrew list of monsters so credit goes to those who made them and not me. Also the four figures I used as monsters I will leave outside the dungeon for you to see! I hope whoever finds this will enjoy and like it!
FUN FACT: The Dungeon Has simple/basic Hide Volumes!!
Credits to the two authors:
Tavern Author Joghurt89: https://talestavern.com/slab/little-tavern-next-to-stream-modular/
Dungeon Author Stevo: https://talestavern.com/slab/simple-dungeon-1/