WIP – Large Port City – Greco-Roman Style

This is a work in progress.
Please leave comments below if you have suggestions.
Extra thanks to Gengus, Istallri, TheSageonStage, ,!Squid!, Schalkan and anyone else I borrowed buildings from.
This is a port city designed to fit into any setting.
You will find almost any location you might want, with more being planned. Some buildings, especially those designed for residential living, are duplicates.
Some notable locations:
- Large Produce Market
- Custom’s House
- Bank
- Market Square
- Massive Bath House with gardens
- Craftmen’s Market
- Small Jail
- Two City Gates
- Fish Market
- Small farm (outside city)
- Small Temple (outside city)
- Barracks (outside city)
The city is designed to be easy to navigate and play in. This means less details than I’d normally do, but feel free to add your own stuff using slabs. I’d love to see variations you build yourself.
I have chosen to use the Water slider instead of water tiles for this build. The downside is that the build looks like an island, whereas in reality it’s meant to be a peninsula. Use your inner mind’s eye. The upside is that adding and removing ships to the harbour is much easier.
My comment is that I am Greek and we didn’t have those ships, and neither did the Romans. But yeah, carry on.
I adore it!!!