Author: Friendly
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Created On: June 30th, 2021
Last Updated: June 30th, 2021
Creative Commons Lic. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

This is a small city based on the city add on board for Talisman.

Starting at the city gates, moving in we find the Square of Kings.
From here moving left you have Royal Lane , Leading to the South Side Alley and Sanctuary Square.
Here you find the High Temple and the Start of Noble Street.
Here we have The Magic Acadamy. A dangerious place full of lazy stupid mages doing silly things in the pursuit of not really doing any proper work.
Passing the acadamy you then reach Flask Street and the Apohecary.
Followed by Elemental Avenue and Sorcerers Square. Here you will find The Enchanter, The Magic Emporium, The Jail , and The Soothsayer.
Guild Street Leads you down to the Armoury and the Stables. And Rats road runs down the hill to The Menagerie and the Public Toilets.
Hidden in the alley between the Meagerie and the Toilets is Thevies Alley on which sits the Rogues Guild.
Heading up hill from The Menagerie we have Droppings Lane leading to the Wharf.
Passing the wharf is Cobble Lane , Which leads to the Slight Hill of Gold Street.
At the top of the Hill is Speakers Corner . and that brings us right back to the start of the tour.

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