The Wailing Caverns Pre-Dungeon
Author: Provaporous
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Created On: June 25th, 2021
Last Updated: June 25th, 2021

Here is my first dungeon for Talespire! This is the pre-instance for the Wailing caverns for World of Warcraft, it functions as a small dungeon to check that the players are ready to enter the actual dungeon, in addition it serves as a place several quests can be completed.

There is a small outdoor area with a meeting stone I made up, perhaps if you ran this as a 1 shot thats where your group could start! Like in WoW, there is a Tauren quest-giver on the top of the plateau and more inside the skull that forms the entrance to the dungeon.

Example quests:
1) A goblin named Mad Maggish has stolen a case of 99-year-old port!
2) Collect Deviate hides from the corrupted wildlife inside
3) Collect the rare plant Serpentbloom that grows only in this underground cave system
4) Collect essence from the oozes made of living primordial ooze
5) Defeat the corrupted druids in the caverns that are trying to spread the corruption at this Oasis to the whole barrens!

Hide volumes and hidden enemies have been setup, the hide volumes will need to be turned on.


Dungeon History:
Recently, a night elf druid named Naralex discovered a network of underground caverns within the heart of the Barrens. Dubbed the ‘Wailing Caverns’, these natural caves were filled with steam fissures which produced long, mournful wails as they vented. Naralex believed he could use the caverns’ underground springs to restore lushness and fertility to the Barrens – but to do so would require siphoning the energies of the fabled Emerald Dream. Once connected to the Dream, however, the druid’s vision somehow became a nightmare. Soon the Wailing Caverns began to change – the waters turned foul and the once-docile creatures inside metamorphosed into vicious, deadly predators. It is said that Naralex himself still resides somewhere inside the heart of the labyrinth, trapped beyond the edges of the Emerald Dream. Even his former acolytes have been corrupted by their master’s waking nightmare – transformed into the wicked Druids of the Fang.

Sample Collections/Campaigns that include this slab

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