The Caves + Underdark
Author: Plate
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Created On: April 19th, 2022
Last Updated: April 18th, 2022
Terrain: Dungeon
Type: Caves
Creative Commons Lic. Attribution-ShareAlike

This board is an update to “The Caves” board with the addition of the Underdark. The Broodmaw Orcs have inhabited  the caves in “Red Rock Pass” and are planning an attack on the Vale. It is up to the party to vanquish the Orc clan and push back the Chaos that is consuming the realm. The Broodmaw orcs are being led by their Clan Chieftain Slog alongside an evil Orc Necromancer named Vogamath. Vogamath has corrupted their chieftain to use him and his clan to destroy the humans and humanoids that live in the Vale. Vogamath is yet a rook being played and one of the members of the Chaotic order that has summoned the Lord of Chaos. The Lord of Chaos-The Fang Lord an ancient evil undead demonic skeleton dragon that sits at the pinnacle of this Chaos setting forth this destruction to the realm. In the grand scheme of things, the Fanglord and his Order of Chaos will not stop until the Vale is under their control, and as they continue to exist the realm is in constant jeopardy. The players can further explore the Underdark to obtain an ancient demonic tome that is guarded by the Drow to trap the Fanglord inside of it. However, they will have to pass through several evil monsters and creatures in the process and even visit Lolth herself.

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