Temple of Draxion

The temple of Draxion was a 3d edition bite size dungeon that was published in “The book of challenges” I really enjoyed it so I created a version of it from memory, as this Board! The actual dimensions are slightly changed, but the encounter should play out in a similar way!
Here is more details about the official material via adventure look up for those interested: https://adventurelookup.com/adventures/temple-of-draxion
Hide volumes already in place 😀
The Temple of Draxion is an adventure that uses clever tactics, trickery, and good defensive positions to make low-level monsters challenging. The defenders in the encounter try to deceive the PCs; groups willing to accept anything the DM says at face value will horribly misjudge the actual level of danger they are in.
The adventure is set in a partially-collapsed dungeon that was once a temple to Erythnul, but is now the headquarters of a pair of aspiring bandits, and their kobold employees.
Dungeon details:
The adventurers enter the dungeon through a corridor. They gradually move to a large chamber where a “Mighty Dragon” called “Draxion” is at the top of a flight of stairs. The dragon is actually a construct meant to scare the party, a villain inside the dragon declares himself the mighty Draxion and attempts to intimidate the party to surrender. The clever party will see through the ruse eventually, but will then be attacked by a group of kobolds and their 2 leaders which may or may not be scattered throughout the rest of the dungeon.
- In the first area after the portcullis a kobold from a hidden position will shoot a mounted crossbow at the adventurers unless they are stealthy enough. A 2nd kobold will go alert the rest of the dungeon.
- The statue of Draxion is able to breathe fire on the staircase in front of it.
Secret Doors!
- A secret door in the main chamber will allow kobolds to later surround the PC’s in the main chamber
- Another secret door leads to the treasure and to the mounted crossbow trap
DM notes: If the party manages to sneak past the first kobold which mans the crossbow trap the Draxion fight should be easier, but the rest of the dungeon will be more challenging as more enemies will take several rounds to enter the Draxion chamber.
Enemy NPC:
2 leaders, bandits which command a small band of kobolds.
Feel free to delete all the miniatures and use the dungeon in any way you please.
I hope you like my 2nd board 🙂