Monster Lairs – Copper Dragon – Hillside cave
Author: BiBo
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Genre: Fantasy
Created On: December 31st, 2024
Last Updated: December 31st, 2024

Quixton the copper dragon lives in a cave dug out of a little hill along a busy trade road. He is mostly harmless to passing folk but is a bit of a practical jokester. He loves to play pranks on people, one of his favorite being to polymorph himself into a small animal, sneak up behind folk and then polymorph back into his normal self with a roar to frighten folk. Those who take it with good humor are offered hospitality and sent on their way. Those who don’t may end up on the receiving end of a dragon attack.

Quixton loves folk who tell riddles or jokes and is especially fond of bards. Over the years there have been many bards that have caught his eye and become something between a pet and companion for the dragon. He has even built a comfortable area in his cave to house such bards. The current bard that has caught his eye is a young human woman named Julie Boda who is a talented singer, powerful spellcaster, as well as an incorrigible prankster. She often teams up with Quixton by using various illusions to help trick passing folk. When a band of thieves attempted to sneak into the lair and steal some of Quixton’s hoard, she used a hat of disguise to pose as a medusa, then cast flesh to stone on one of the thieves to scare the rest off. She uses the statue as a cloak rack to this day.

The lair itself is a seemingly nondescript cave other than the door to Julie’s quarters. There is a small pool of water as well as a fire pit. There is also a bed of coins that Quixton sleeps on. Though anyone who takes a close look at the coins will quickly notice that it consists entirely of coppers, making it relatively worthless to steal. Quixton also keeps a handful of art pieces out on display, all of which are both worthless and rigged to traps against any would be thieves. He keeps his true treasures (other than Julie, which he considers his greatest) hidden in one of two secret rooms in his cave. While Julie is perfectly capable of protecting herself, her room is warded against intruders with both an arcane lock and glyph of warding that keep out anyone other than Julie and Quixton.


Slab Statistics

Slab Size: 12.6k out of 30k (42.1%)
Slab Dimensions: 52.25w x 52d x 10.75h
Asset Count: 3725
Unique Asset Count: 81
Tile Count: 3243
Prop Count: 482

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