Monster Lairs – Brass Dragon – Desert Canyon
Author: BiBo
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Genre: Fantasy
Created On: December 30th, 2024
Last Updated: December 30th, 2024
Terrain: Canyon, Desert
Type: Area
Creative Commons Lic. Attribution

Along a busy trade route through a rocky canyon, the brass dragon Tanyn bin Bahamut calls a cozy little mud building home. There, he lazes about all day, idly soaking his claws in a fountain built at the entrance to his home. When caravans pass by, he offers them water in exchange for pleasant conversation. It is through these conversations that he learns a great amount about the world and is a wealth of knowledge and information. Information he is willing to share to anyone for the right price.

The interior of his home is rather modest, containing a soft bed and surprisingly small horde of treasure for a dragon of his size. This is because this treasure is a decoy for any thieves who might get the wrong idea. He knows exactly where any of this treasure is at any time so any thieves who choose to steal it while he is off hunting, for example, will soon find themselves the next meal of this otherwise typically harmless dragon. His true treasure horde is buried in the sands, not too far away from his home. It is a spot he visits at night to deposit any treasure he may have acquired during the day. Should you happen to locate this buried stash, it is in your best interest to leave it undisturbed for Tanyn’s rage would know no bounds if even a single coin is taken.

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