Monster Lairs – Blue Dragon – Desert Sanctuary

Who says dragons have to live without the nice things in life? Luxious the blue dragon has set up a nice little niche of the desert for himself. His lair is a cave that can only be entered through a chimney atop it that he had constructed. Surrounding the chimney are sinkholes that drop any potential intruders that might think to scale the chimney onto some sharp spikes. Suffice to say his little sanctuary where he collects treasure, especially blue gems, is off limits to anyone but himself.
That said, he isn’t a complete hermit. As he raids passing caravans, he collects a variety of folk who are willing to swear loyalty to him. He keeps an eye out for magic users and craftsmen who can make things for him, but he particularly values bards who can write songs, poems and stories for him (bonus points if they are about him). He enjoys resting at his lair’s entrance, listening to entertainers all day. Such entertainers are paid well but must beware for once they fail to be entertaining, they quickly become lunch.
The folk that Luxious has collected over the years have built a small town in the area surrounding the lair. They have a small farm to feed themselves, a variety of livestock, a small magical library and various other amenities. Beneath the town are a pair of caves that house giant scorpions and ankhegs who have been trained to keep out any potential hostiles.
The pride of the town is their fountain which magically supplies water which Luxious sells to those in need for one gold per glass. Steep to be sure, but a man who dies of thirst has no use for their gold.
As nice as the town appears, it has been built on shaky ground. Should anyone make their way into Luxious’ lair that he happens to have trouble dealing with, he is able to collapse the entire town in on itself, burying everyone and everything with it. He has no problem digging out his treasures afterward and starting over if it means keeping it safe.