Medusa’s Lair, Temple, Greek Style

The Medusa’s Lair


There once was a priestess of love and beauty. She lived and worshiped at the temple of the snake (Named for those men who visited the temple regularly and were easily charmed like serpents). The priestess was so covetous of the beauty possessed by her fellow sisters that it burned the love from her heart, and she murdered all of them by poisoning the temples well to be the most beautiful priestess of her faith. The gods saw her petty act and eternally cursed her; turning her into a hybrid of serpent and woman. Her gaze doomed men to a lifetime of stone and guaranteed she would never feel their warmth again. Over the centuries, her desire to accumulate the affections of men has turned into a bitter hatred of them. With nothing but time to make the temples potions (now poisons) and the temple’s ritual weapon to practice, she has become a master marksman with a bow and an expert at poisoning arrows. She now angrily slithers amongst areas once filled with love and laughter.  The Labyrinth of love, where young lovers would come to dance, play chase, and catch fleeting glances of each other in the windows and mirrors, has been turned into a killing ground. The mirrors that once reflected young lovers now inspiring fear and paranoia in those who catch a quick moving shadow, and the windows providing perfect lines of sight to shoot and kill intruders. The trap is now set, and another group of prey, I mean adventurers, approaches.


The Lair of the Medusa provides multiple passageways and levels for her to lead the PC’s on an endless deadly chase. The fountain room has a passage that allows her to get around behind the PC’s once she is encountered: driving them further into her lair and traps. She can easily slither between levels in the burning temple. The Labryrinth of Love is her preferred stalking zone though. There are few places for PC’s to hide without kicking the rubble around, or appearing in the windows, and if you wish to add even more fear to your players you can tell them they think they see glimpses of her until they discover the mirrors in each of the window rooms. Other areas can be filled with appropriate enemies to liven up the encounter as needed.

I hope this lair provides a ton of fear and enjoyment to your PC’s! It might be one of the coolest and most devious things I’ve designed yet, and the lore written above fits it perfectly. If you really really enjoy it, consider donating to so I can keep making cool boards and lairs!





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