Hero Quest – Example Board

My interpretation of a HeroQuest board.
I’ve doubled the walls in all but two rooms so it’s not a 1:1 for tiles in the halls.
The bottom part is a tribute to the original cover of the HQ box.
This board includes:
– suggestions for which minis work with HeroQuest
– suggestions for furniture
– template board
– First Quest board
Template Board
This board is empty, but lit up and covered in a tile layer that can hide anything you place within the rooms.
Use the Hide volumes to turn the covers ON/OFF. This allows you to build the rooms ahead of time and make exploration and reveals easy.
First Quest Board
This board is the alternative way of building the map. Instead of a top layer you turn ON/OFF the interiors themselves are hidden and you reveal them by turning things ON/OFF. I prefer the Template Board, but included this as an extra option.