Glimmercrest Museum of Natural History

This board is meant to be used with the Mimic Museum one shot from DMDave. The board is as close to 1:1 as I could get it. There are tons of decorations and great objects for mimics but there is some open room to add more if you would like! Feel free to make it your own and I hope you enjoy using it! This has been player tested and all areas are traversable. The rooms are screenshotted in order as follows:
1. Entrance
2. Public Library
3. Abarat’s Office
4. Cafe
5. Well-wishing Room
6. Ancient Skeleton Display
7. Historical Armory
8. Historical Armory II
9. Copperware Hall
10. Clayworks Room
11. Statue Garden
12. Historical Armory III
13. Ancient Tool Gallery
14. Ancient Skeleton Display, Balcony