Game Ready: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Level 10: Muiral’s Gauntlet
Level 10 of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage Module. All respective rooms are keyed with the appropriate Creatures.
Huge thanks to PseudoWyvern for the “Ready to Play” style of board, to Myrdred123 for the overall structure of the board, to Blackwolf Majik for the fireplaces and to GENGUS for the Mushrooms.
Thanks for the credit 🙂 DOTMM is a huge undertaking, got burnt out of it midway through the sagurath level lol
If you ever wanna know how I prep maps for hide volumes let me know, they can be difficult and tedious, but they’re a big part of making exploring a dungeon fun. Otherwise, great job, it’s nice to see people make maps that are a bit more accurate to the modules and contributing to GMs having to prep less in TaleSpire, which is a big thing a lot of people complain about when thinking about switching VTT systems.