Exotic Den – Isolated Piece – Equilibrium Campaign Building

Author: BloodHawkGOA
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Genre: Fantasy
Created On: March 29th, 2023
Last Updated: March 29th, 2023
Type: Bank

My first upload attempt.

About: The ‘Exotic Den’ is for a Unique NPC in my campaign. She is the only known dragon-like creature in the campaign’s beginning, and started her own business as a storage renter/banker. Being related to a red dragon, she loves exchanging platinum coins for gold to build up her stash in the lowest level of this board. Her high appraisal ability allows her to value items for others as well, which led to her side gig of selling magical and or unique items. Selling alcohol that turns a living creature undead for a few hours, pet mimics, or even the corpse of a supposed wish granting fish. She has it all.

Creator’s note: Feel free to use this board however you see fit. I made an isolated piece to practice terrain building/planning around the building itself. I want to admit to being fatigue/burnt out when it came to the landscape, so there isn’t much detail in the overworld.

Constructive Feedback/Criticism would be greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy/get some use out of it!

4 thoughts on “Exotic Den – Isolated Piece – Equilibrium Campaign Building”

  1. You have tremendous potential. Here’s my advice: when you get burned out, take a break and resume later. Don’t leave pieces unfinished. It’s a shame for the strong parts to have to live on the same board with the weak ones. I would rather cut out the weak ones altogether than let them bring down the quality of the whole.

    For the record, the outside isn’t bad. It’s significantly above average by community standards. It’s just that the interior is so stunning that it makes the exterior look poor in comparison. Not sure if this is you, but some people have a flair for interiors, and others for exteriors. It’s rare to see someone who excels at both (PsiaBaba is number 1 in both, and in TaleSpire building in general; Istallri is number 2, and he doesn’t like much making terrain).

    • Thank you for the feedback, it is still humbling to hear compliments like this. I know the inside quality is better overall, and the outside wasn’t loved as much. It is interesting to hear that it is at least above average! It was a first attempt as well, and so, a great learning experience (hence why I appreciate the feedback).

      I would like to strive to be good both interior and exterior. So far I have done this and an incomplete second piece (which ironically is my first effort in Talespire before the Exotic Den. Exterior is nearly done, then I will take a jab at terrain again!). I have much to learn and am excited to continue improving. Looking forward to it!

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