Dungeon of the Dead Three
Campaign: Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus
Map: Dungeon of the Dead Three
Named characters and monsters added to board, including their health, but NOTE that you’ll need to hide those who need to be i.e. Gauntlets in D12 and Ghostly Battleaxe in D16 etc.
Atmosphere Blocks
Set for suggested battle and exploration music and day cycle. In the first room (D5) you’ll see the exploration block.
Visual Theme: Sewer building blocks
Sound Theme Exploration: Sewers (sfx), Dark & Humid (music)
Sound Theme Battle: Sewers (sfx), Battle – Cultists / Battle – Ambush (music)
Huge help. I’m running two groups through DiA and was not looking forward to building these. Cheers! You saved me a mountain of time!
Impressive work, nice to have all the NPCs in there already