Dragons of StormWreck Isle: Dragons Rest (Expanded)

Author: Gengar
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Genre: Fantasy
Created On: November 20th, 2022
Last Updated: July 28th, 2023

This board is now basically done. I did a lot of work on areas that are specific to my homebrew of the island. Many locations are not in the published adventure, but I hope that some of the areas will encourage others to explore and make their own stories in the space.

I used the Board above as a starting point. It was a practically perfect recreation of the published map of Dragon’s Rest from the adventure, but I wanted to add some flavor and flesh out the locations ahead of running this campaign for a couple groups. I added the Dock locations under the winch house, and a path for a raft that moves between that dock and where the adventurer’s Ship is docked at the beginning of the adventure. The idea is that the rocks  along the island make it difficult to dock, and the raft helps the locals move supplies  from the more accessible beach to under the winch house. I also put houses for both Tarak and Varnoth as well as adding additional housing for the kobolds of Dragons rest in the caves under the temple.

The Temple of Bahamut: I found the temple as described in the adventure to be a little lackluster and wanted it to be a little more lively in my campaign. I have included the orginal platform as an entrance area leading to a much more grand temple beyond. It it you will find an indoor altar for day to day prayer and activities, a storage room, private quarters for Runara (as well as an secret treasure hoard in a hidden area attached). On the highest point of the cliffs is the Altar to Bahamut. Beside the statue are 2 ramps that the local kobolds use the jump into the ocean as a rite of passage, and for some of the winged variety a place to learn to fly. Ritual jumpers plunge into the the deep water 100ft below the ramps, and swim back to the shore.

I have been picking away at editing this board again recently and decided that enough has been changed to update the board here. Biggest additions are the Lighthouse, and attention given to the rooms in the cliffside and the pathway up to the temple, and the new tavern! The vision for this board is to allow for more sandbox exploration and roleplay during the module. I wanted to have more for the Kobolds to do, things they might need to sustain the little village.

I also replaced the old ship (which was great!) with a new ship I found here that uses the new ship assets. (link below)

I used some slabs from here on talestavern for the Ship and some of the smaller boats as well as Tarak’s house and a sundial.

The new ship: https://talestavern.com/slab/sirens-beckon/ by user: https://talestavern.com/userprofile/11672/

Edit: Taraks house is one of the rural houses by User: PsiaBaba  https://talestavern.com/userprofile/1961/, but I forgot which one of their slabs I took it from

In the future I want to add an underwater cave entrance leading to Runara’s Secret dwelling.

Sample Collections/Campaigns that include this slab

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