Grass - Sparse | 153 | 7.6% |
Dungeon Floor 02 | 119 | 5.9% |
Castle Ruins Wall 02 | 111 | 5.5% |
Castle Ruins Wallbase - Large | 109 | 5.4% |
Dungeon Wall 02 | 108 | 5.3% |
Moorgoth Medieval Floor 01 | 97 | 4.8% |
Sarcophagus (deprecated) | 75 | 3.7% |
Castle Ruins Floor 01 | 69 | 3.4% |
Castle Ruins Stairbox | 60 | 3% |
Dungeon Stair Block | 51 | 2.5% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor 02 | 38 | 1.9% |
Cliff Face (deprecated) | 37 | 1.8% |
Moorgoth Corner Filler | 36 | 1.8% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor Corner - Small | 33 | 1.6% |
Dungeon Wall 01 | 33 | 1.6% |
Castle Ruins Stair | 32 | 1.6% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor With Arches 01 | 30 | 1.5% |
Moorgoth Medieval Floor 04 | 30 | 1.5% |
Boulder - Large (deprecated) | 29 | 1.4% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor Corner - Small | 25 | 1.2% |
Dungeon Wall Corner Filler | 24 | 1.2% |
Stone Wall 01 (deprecated) | 21 | 1% |
Dungeon Floor - Small | 21 | 1% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor with Lit Arches 02 | 20 | 1% |
Dungeon Pillar | 20 | 1% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor 03 | 19 | 0.9% |
Moorgoth Fancy Pillar | 19 | 0.9% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor 01 | 19 | 0.9% |
Cauldron (deprecated) | 19 | 0.9% |
Bush - Medium (deprecated) | 18 | 0.9% |
Moorgoth Floor Stairwell | 18 | 0.9% |
Dungeon Floor 01 | 18 | 0.9% |
Castle Ruins Floor - Small | 17 | 0.8% |
Grassy Road T | 16 | 0.8% |
Dirt Pile (deprecated) | 16 | 0.8% |
CobbleStone Floor 01 | 16 | 0.8% |
Root 03 (deprecated) | 16 | 0.8% |
Knight Statue (deprecated) | 14 | 0.7% |
Root 01 (deprecated) | 12 | 0.6% |
Bonfire (deprecated) | 12 | 0.6% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor With Alcove 01 | 12 | 0.6% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Chains | 11 | 0.5% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Rounded Corner | 11 | 0.5% |
Tree 01 (deprecated) | 11 | 0.5% |
Door - Dungeon | 11 | 0.5% |
Metal Hatch - Round | 10 | 0.5% |
Dead Tree 03 (deprecated) | 10 | 0.5% |
Door - Portcullis | 9 | 0.4% |
Gravestone 04 (deprecated) | 9 | 0.4% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor with Lit Arches 01 | 9 | 0.4% |
Door -Peasant | 8 | 0.4% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor 02 | 8 | 0.4% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Chains 03 | 8 | 0.4% |
Root 02 (deprecated) | 8 | 0.4% |
Dungeon Wall With Rounded Corner | 8 | 0.4% |
Rock - Small (deprecated) | 7 | 0.3% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor - Crumbling | 7 | 0.3% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Drain | 7 | 0.3% |
Moorgoth Floor 03 | 7 | 0.3% |
Castle Ruins Wall/Window - Crumbling 03 | 7 | 0.3% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Roots 02 | 6 | 0.3% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor 01 | 6 | 0.3% |
Castle Ruins Arch 02 | 6 | 0.3% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Torch 01 | 6 | 0.3% |
Gravestone 03 (deprecated) | 5 | 0.2% |
Papers 02 (deprecated) | 5 | 0.2% |
Doors - Dungeon Double | 5 | 0.2% |
Skull Chest (deprecated) | 5 | 0.2% |
Cage Torture 01 (deprecated) | 5 | 0.2% |
Bone Pile 01 (deprecated) | 5 | 0.2% |
Pitcher (deprecated) | 5 | 0.2% |
Door - Metal Gate | 4 | 0.2% |
Castle Ruins Wall/Floor Corner - Small | 4 | 0.2% |
Sewer Floor - Sluice 02 | 4 | 0.2% |
Sewer Floor 01 | 4 | 0.2% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Chains 02 | 4 | 0.2% |
Brazier (deprecated) | 4 | 0.2% |
Basic Coffin (deprecated) | 4 | 0.2% |
Gravestone 01 (deprecated) | 4 | 0.2% |
Sewer Floor - Sluice 01 | 4 | 0.2% |
Stone Wall 02 (deprecated) | 4 | 0.2% |
Wall (Plain, Small) | 4 | 0.2% |
Floor Torch (deprecated) | 4 | 0.2% |
Door - Prison | 4 | 0.2% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor Corner 01 | 4 | 0.2% |
Moorgoth Floor - Carpet Corner | 4 | 0.2% |
Gravestone 02 (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Drain 02 | 3 | 0.1% |
Candleabra - single (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Dungeon Pillar - Ruined | 3 | 0.1% |
Castle Ruins Wallbase 02 | 3 | 0.1% |
Stone Wall Corner 02 (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Candleabra Triple (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Castle Table (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Leather Chest (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Stone Throne (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Book Pile 03 (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Bookshelf 01 (deprecated) | 3 | 0.1% |
Castle Ruins Wall/Window - Crumbling 01 | 3 | 0.1% |
Castle Chair (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Stackable Pine Top (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor Rounded Corner | 2 | 0.1% |
Dark Barrel 01 (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor Corner With Chains | 2 | 0.1% |
Book Pile 01 (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Dungeon Wall - Ruined | 2 | 0.1% |
Castle Ruins Wall 01 | 2 | 0.1% |
Papers 01 (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Castle Ruins Wall Corner | 2 | 0.1% |
Gold Chest (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Broken Dark Barrel 01 (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Broken Dark Barrel 02 (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor 04 | 2 | 0.1% |
Moorgoth Floor - Carpet Side | 2 | 0.1% |
Wooden Bench Small (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Dungeon Wall/Floor With Roots 01 | 2 | 0.1% |
Fancy Coffin (deprecated) | 2 | 0.1% |
Bar Counter - Corner | 2 | 0.1% |
Tavern Wall 01 | 1 | 0% |
Gallow 02 No Rope (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Weapon Rack (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Wooden Table 01 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Moorgoth Wall/Floor With Candleabra 01 | 1 | 0% |
Wheel Torture 01 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Dungeon Wall - Ruined With Ruits | 1 | 0% |
Book Pile 02 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Bench -Shabby (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Sacks (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Gallow 02 Cage (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Book Pile 04 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Guillotine 01 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Bookshelf 02 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Moorgoth Floor 02 | 1 | 0% |
Moorgoth Floor 01 | 1 | 0% |
Stockade_01 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Gravestone With Crow 01 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Apple Basket (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Stool Torture 01 (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Lantern -Small (deprecated) | 1 | 0% |
Moorgoth Wall 01 | 1 | 0% |