CR 5-13 Trolls crossing
Author: 4-RK
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Created On: June 22nd, 2021
Last Updated: June 22nd, 2021
Terrain: Island
Type: Bridge

Another fun encounter. So what amounts to a small mound of pebbles links 2 rope bridges together across a fast flowing river, a troll some how managed to get stuck in the middle of the 2 rope bridges and is only able to survive off the tribute/the bodies of people who need to use this road to travel. This is a friendly troll surprisingly and likes to play catch with things that are around him/her if the party manages to catch and through a number of increasingly heavy items (a small rock, a log then a bolder…or 2 logs at the same time if you feel vindictive.) then it is apprised and wont take all the party has to offer. If they fail or don’t play then the troll will be angry and take all it can, note that if the party attacks the troll or makes it angry then they can be thrown/pushed off the bridges and islands.

I have run this encounter with a dire troll (CR13)  and as it had 4 arms had it through too many things at once causing a save to be needed to avoid the incoming rocks. The troll simply got over eager and was happy to make a new friend. (They had a goliath barbarian.) the lowest CR for a troll is 5, but you could also use a venom troll (CR7) or a rot troll (CR9). If you want to force a fight or if the party manages to kill the troll and comes back, you could use a spirit troll (CR11) to troll them.

Troll to level (4 people):

Troll – level 4/5

Venom troll –  level 5/6

Rot troll – Level 6

Spirit troll – level 9/10

Dire troll – 10/11

Warning: Items and player builds can change the difficulty of encounters and I can’t account for everything.

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