Circle of Thunder
Author: ManInACan
Status: Complete
TaleSpire Version: EA - Chimera
Created On: November 8th, 2021
Last Updated: November 8th, 2021

Circle of thunder from Dragon of Icespire Peak
This map contians the fully built hill, henge and passage tombs of the circle of thunder encounter as well as all enemy creatures for up to 7 players.

The reclusive anchorites of the Circle of Thunder gather on this hill to make sacrifices to Talos the storm god. In stormy weather, the anchorites also perform rituals to summon Gorthok the Thunder Boar, a destructive force they can unleash against their enemies. A circle of standing stones atop the hill helps to focus the anchorites’ magic to make the summoning of Gorthok possible.

Three anchorites — Flenz, Narux, and Yargath — defend the hill. When not performing rituals in the circle of standing stones, they patrol the surrounding woods, forage for food, and lurk in caves dug out of the hillside. When the characters arrive, the anchorites are gathered on the hilltop. If Gorthok has not been defeated yet, the anchorites are in the midst of summoning the great boar. Otherwise, they are conjuring a storm.

Sample Collections/Campaigns that include this slab

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