Cave of Hours

Hidden in a long abandoned druidic grove, the Cave of Hours was once used as a sealing ground for curses and fiends. Bound into sealed chests or statues, they were kept safe by the watchful eyes of the cave’s guardians. Cursed objects and fiends too powerful to be sealed were kept in a prison of their own, to be studied until a way to rid the world of them could finally be found. The cave, however, was eventually abandoned, as the curses of the place grew too dangerous to be around. The party came here looking to remove one final curse, using the power of a sacred tree’s roots…
A dungeon, based on the layout of level 1 of the Old-School Essentials scenario The Incandescent Grotto by Gavin Norman, although the theming is different and the staircase to level 2 is missing. There’s a few passages and doors meant to be hidden or unhidden by hide volumes, as well as some hidden hide volume light sources, particularly in the cursed object prison.